Terms & Conditions of Participation
KitaBina Classes, Events & Memberships
I hereby represent to KitaBina as to each of the following statements with full knowledge and I have read, understand and irrevocably agree to all of the terms and conditions set out in this registration form:
- I agree to abide by all rules and regulations of KitaBina and all applicable laws, rules and regulations whether verbal, written or otherwise, including but not limited to the requirement to relevant personal protective equipment and to strictly obey all safety-related advice by the staff of KitaBina, and generally accepted rules of safety and behavior whether when using any tools or just being physically present in KitaBina.
- I understand that participating in any activities within KitaBina may be physically demanding and a competent level of physical conditioning is required in order to participate.
- I hereby represent that I am in sound medical condition capable of participating in activities within KitaBina and that I do not currently suffer from, neither do I expect to suffer from, any physical or mental condition that would impair my abilities to safely participate in any activities within KitaBina and all related activities.
- I have not been advised against participating in any activities within KitaBina by a qualified health professional.
- I hereby agree I will be solely responsible for my health and safety.
- I hereby state that I will operate tools, machinery, facilities and materials in a safe manner taking into account my own abilities, my own equipment if I do bring them into KitaBina, the existing equipment in KitaBina, and the spatial conditions in KitaBina and the working conditions of the tools in KitaBina and I will be solely responsible for the correct use of such equipment, material and space.
- I will not engage in any illegal or inappropriate behavior during my presence in KitaBina.
- I will at all times respect the rights of other participants during any activities within KitaBina.
- I give consent to KitaBina to include photos of me in any promotional materials relating to the workshop and/or any materials used at the workshop.
- In the case of participant absence from the scheduled class, event or program ticket, there shall be NO automatic replacement entry, ticket or refund provided
- In the case absent participants request for a postponement or replacement of the class, event or program ticket, KitaBina reserves the right to refuse such postponement or to provide an opportunity of rescheduling such entry or ticket to a future date according to KitaBina’s convenience. In the case that KitaBina provides this opportunity to reschedule such entry or ticket, the value of the entry or ticket refers to the payment amount made during the initial entry or ticket order and thus the absent participant would be required to top up the payment amount for the new scheduled entry or ticket in the case that such entry or ticket has undergone a price change which has been published.
- KitaBina reserves the right to refuse entry into our premises any person who does not abide by all of the above terms and conditions.