(life skills)
Develop your woodworking craft weekly.

Elevate your craftsmanship.
To the milennials, KitaBina is revitalizing your favourite hands-on school subject into an all-in-one course where you will start off with the basics, progress into intermediate joinery, and even touch on project planning and 3D design.

Skill Checklist
to make your own joinery and furniture:
Handy with Tools
Having tools at home is good. Knowing how to use them is the point
Knowing How Things Work
Everyone respects a person who can say "I know how that is built, coz I've built it before."
Accurate & Detailed
Being methodical and meticulous helps you reduce rework
Begin with the End in Mind
Designing a project from scratch, visualizing the approach and anticipating problems
Setting up your workflow, Working safely and figuring out the build steps
The KitaBina Approach

Making mistakes is key
We celebrate failure because that is the fastest way to achieve breakthroughs.
Focus on building skills, not projects
We insist that the objective of the course is building skills; not bring home more stuff.
Discipline through practice
Practice makes progress, which develops discipline, which creates habits.
Student-led pace
Focuses on each individual and a catered teaching style according to their progress
Embracing Frustration
"The only way out is through". Instead of quitting early, we want you to build grit and tenacity.
Do Difficult Things
Do the hard things until the hard things become easy things.
Course Outline
Semester 1

Hand Tools & Basic Joinery
- Intro to handsaws - pull vs push, TPI, kerfs, techniques, ripcuts vs crosscuts
- Intro to handplanes - pull vs push, setting up, techniques
- Intro to chisels - techniques, half laps, precision marking
- Sharpening your tools - different mediums, techniques, tool maintenance
- Making a final project using hand tools only
Month 1 to 3
12 sessions
Semester 2

Power Tools & Box Making
- Intro to power drills, drill bit varities, impact driver vs drill driver vs rotary hammer drill
- Intro to power cutters - jigsaws, circular saws
- Intro to box-making - how to achieve a strong box, learning various 90° joints
- Making a final project using power tools, with precision sizing
Month 4 to 6
12 sessions
Semester 3

Woodworking Machines
- Intro to machine saws - miter saw, table saw, band saw
- Intro to power shapers - routers, router table, sanding machines, etc
- Intro to mid-piece joinery - dados and grooves, mortise and tenons
- Make a wooden mallet with a mortise and tenon
- Making a medium sized furniture piece with all tools and machines learned
Month 7 to 9
12 sessions
Semester 4

Learn to
Design & Build
- Intro to furniture design
- Basic 3D drawing using Sketchup
- Material knowledge, choosing the right material, considering grain direction, etc
- Intro to wood finish - solvent vs water-based, how to apply
- Final Graduation Project - design a piece of furniture and build from scratch to finish
Month 10 - 12
12 sessions
12-month course
Duration & Frequency:
(5th week off)
Max Class Size:
Suitable Age:
What's included:
Suitable For:
+ free 10 day pass (RM298)
"An ounce of practice is worth more than tons of preaching."
– Ghandi